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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Inflammation Everywhere

Have you ever injured yourself? It  swells up, discolors, and hurts to the touch. It's inflamed!

When under control, inflammation speeds up the healing process by killing off harmful bacteria, cleaning out damaged cells, and protecting the hurt area. 

Many people experience chronic inflammation, which reeks havoc on your body instead of healing it. Do you suffer from any of these ailments?
Allergies, Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Bursitis, Cancers, Celiac Disease, Coronary Artery Disease, Crohn's Disease, Diabetes, Diverticulitis, Eczema, Gastric Ulcers, Gingivitis, Hypertension, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Myocarditis, Obesity, Peridontitis, Psoriasis, Sinusitis (Chronic), Tendonitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Varicose Veins
If so, you are probably plagued with chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation is exasperated by a poor diet. The Standard American Diet is full of pro-inflammatory foods and severely lacking anti-inflammatory compounds. How do we fix chronic inflammation through diet?
  • Eat more vegetables
  • Up your fiber intake
  • Drink more water
  • Cut back on sugar
  • Use anti-inflammatory oils, such as olive oil or avocado oil, not canola or corn
  • When you eat meat, keep it lean and free range
  • Increase fish consumption, but go for wild caught
  • Spices are your friend
  • Be aware of foods that make you feel bad
But, above all:
  • Stick to a whole foods diet

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