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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Fabulous Figs

It's fig season, and my smoothies have been full of them! Figs are sweet, delicious, and full of health benefits. They were probably one of the first plants cultivated by humans, grown even before wheat and barley.

  • Figs are a source of potassium, vitamin k, manganese, vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, thiamine, vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber. The nutrients become more concentrated with the figs are dried!
  • Historical topical use of figs includes treatment of eczema, leprosy, rheumatism, sores, ulcers, and general pain.Figs were eaten to relieve diarrhea, anemia, diabetes, cancers, ulcers, and UTI's. 
  • Daily consumption of dried figs reduces LDL oxidation, which keeps the 'bad' cholesterol from being more dangerous.
  • Figs provided health benefits during long voyages and droughts, when fresh fruit was hard to come by.
  • The Mediterranean diet uses figs extensively. The Greeks even created laws to prevent their exportation!
  • Because figs are high in polyphenols, powerful antioxidants, they provide antiaging effects. 
  • Cancer cells don't stand a chance against tirucallane type triterpenoids in figs!
  • Figs are immune boosters with antibacterial and antifungal effects. 
Fun fact: the inside of the fig is actually made up of flowers. 

How do you pick out figs? They should be dark purple and soft, but not squishy. Eat them quickly, because they only stay good for about a week from when they're picked!

To make them last a little longer and increase their health benefits, dry them!
  1. Preheat oven to 140 degrees
  2. Wash and cut figs in half
  3. Place figs skin down on a rack inside oven
  4. Dry for at least eight hours, until the skin is leathery and you cannot see any more juice on the inside
Figs are also great frozen, as long as you get them in the freezer within 12 hours of picking!

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