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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Holiday Tips: Back Up Your Back Up Plan

When it comes to holiday parties, you go in with every intention of being good. You’ve got a plan, but you also need to have a plan B for when your plan A goes horribly, horribly wrong. If you’re on a low carb diet and know that your friends and family really, really like chips and breaded apps, you should probably invest in a meat and veggie platter. For a safer bet, eat before the party and simply stay hydrated throughout the night. Drink lots of water and hot tea, because they’ll help you curb hunger and keep something in your hand. This can also help you enjoy the event rather than focusing on the food.

Above all, don’t skip meals. If your blood sugar drops, the first thing you are going to go for is the food or food-like item that will boost it the quickest: sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. Take it from a hypoglycemic which managed to eat half a loaf of bread in one sitting after a severe blood sugar drop, it happens. And I thought I had some will power. I think that was the first time I had eaten bread in months. No one is that strong, so don’t even let yourself get to that point.

Make sure you don’t go to a party exhausted. There are a lot of nutrients that get depleted when we’re sleep-deprived or stressed that can lead us down a dangerous path.

As a last resort, distractions are the key. Keep that supporting friend around, chew some gum to keep your mouth busy, be Santa for the Christmas party (extra cookies and milk are not necessary), organize a football game for Thanksgiving. There’s a big difference between hunger and cravings, and distractions keep help you distinguish them. 

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