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Saturday, October 22, 2016

You've Lost The Weight... Now What?

You've reached your goal weight! Congratulations! What a huge accomplishment!

But for some reason, you don't feel like that was it. Maybe you've been working so hard for so long to reach your goal weight that now you need to adjust to a new normal. Or you have an underlying fear of one small mistake causing you to gain all the weight back. Are you starting to notice fluctuations in your weight throughout the day a lot more now that you aren't on a consistent losing streak?

You may feel like you're crazy for feeling this way. Why aren't you just happy with how far you've come? What about all of those happy people in Nutrisystem or SlimFast commercials who lost their weight and conquered the world?

This is all part of the journey. You are... let's say it together: TOTALLY NORMAL. You've been working so hard to achieve this goal, and that was your normal!

Now, it's time to adjust to a new normal, and that kind of change can be scary. Shifting your goals from weight loss to a general healthy maintenance lifestyle can be hard. Having a healthy relationship with food and not being afraid of every calorie is tough!

How do you get through this?
  • Find support! You had people around you who supported you so far through your healthy lifestyle, so find people who are in the same boat as you now. Join forums with others who have similar goals.
  • Journal your thoughts. Write down your accomplishment, and record your fears. After a few days or weeks, reflect on them.
  •  Build a great relationship with food! Food should be fun, but not terrifying. You should not feel guilty about what you eat, and you should not be eating for the sake of eating. Eat because you're hungry. Have different outlets for emotions. Understand that indulgences are ok! Use your journal to find what works best for your body. 
This is a time for you to be proud of how far you have come! Embrace it, and build yourself through it!

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