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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Are You Afraid of Dietary Fat?

We are not a fan of fats, and we've been set up for many years to think dietary fat is why we get fat. The McGovern report was released in the 1970's, and encouraged Americans to eat less fat and more carbohydrates, although there is no evidence that correlated low fat diets with decreased risk of chronic disease. The food industry just loved it, running with the low fat and fat free foods. Chronic health issues like obesity and diabetes worsened.

Let's go over a few reasons why fat isn't something to be scared of:
Try these good sources of fat: avocados, olive oil, macadamia nut oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds, wild caught fatty fish, and grass-fed meats.

There are some fats that you'll want to avoid, however. A lot of this has to do with the toxins contained in the fats, such as conventional meats and butter. Vegetable oils such as safflower, corn, soybean, and sunflower, are inflammatory. Trans fats, or hydrogenated oils, raise up the bad cholesterol and lower the good, so those should be avoided, too. 

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