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Monday, August 29, 2016

Surround Yourself With Support

While on a weight loss journey, have you ever heard the sinister words: "One cupcake won't hurt".
Maybe: "Can't you just come out instead of going to the gym?"
What about: "Why can't you just try it?". 
Even better: "Are you sick?" 
Or: "I could never do anything so restrictive."

That doesn't make it easy to stick to the plan, does it? Healthy lifestyle choices are not always easy, and having others pushing you toward the dessert table all the time just makes it more difficult. 

Surround yourself with people who are happy that you're healthy. They want you to make good decisions for yourself. If they see you slipping, they'll gently remind you to get on the right track. When you accomplish a goal, they'll celebrate with you! These are the people you want to keep around you.

Who are the supporting people in your life? How do they help you reach your goal?

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