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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Medicine Ball Workout

Have a medicine ball at home that you have no idea what to do with? Try this:

Push Up: With both hands on the medicine ball and knees on the floor, do a push up on the medicine ball. Keep your elbows close to you and back straight! To make it harder, do a full push up, with your body straight from your head to your toes!

Superman: Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended. Hold the medicine ball out in front of you and lift your arms and legs, leaving only your stomach on the ground.

Rock and Roll Up: Lie on your back with the medicine ball held above your chest. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Rock your body forward to push  yourself to your feet. Stand up! Make it harder and try it on one foot.

Lunge + Overhead Press: Stand with feet hip distance apart and hold the medicine ball in front of your chest. Take a big step forward, dropping your knee into a lunge. Be sure that your knee doesn't pass over your toe and you keep your back straight. Lift the medicine ball over your head in an overhead press. Push off with the front foot to stand back up.

Squat Toss Up: Stand with feet hip distance apart, putting the weight on your heels. Pretend you are holding two very large, very full pitchers of your favorite drink (in college, they told us beer). The medicine ball with symbolize those drinks. Sit back and be|nd your knees, sticking your butt out and keeping your back straight. Don't spill those drinks! Here's where we go a little off the deep end. As you're standing back up, toss the medicine ball in the air. It is no longer symbolizing your favorite beverage! Continue the squat and toss, making  the movement as fluid as possible.

Knee Lift + Twist: Stand with feet hip distance apart. Hold the medicine ball at your chest. Lift your left knee. Twist your torso to your left, being sure to keep your hips facing forward. Repeat on your right.

Swing + Slam: Start with feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. Hold the medicine ball between your legs, slightly behind your. Be sure that your legs are slightly bent, back is straight, chest is up, and shoulder blades are tight. Swing your arms forward in front of you, thrusting your hips forward, until your arms are straight above your head. Use momentum to swing rather than your arms to force the ball forward. As you are swinging your arms, come up onto your toes. Squat and slam the ball to the ground, simultaneously.

Reaching SL RDL: Stand on one foot, holding the medicine ball out in front of you. Lean forward, moving your loose leg back and holding your arms out in front of you until you look like a T.

Chest Pass: Stagger your feet, hold the medicine ball at your chest, and push out so you pass the ball the a person in front of you or the wall.

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