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Sunday, July 10, 2016

EWG's Dirty Dozen Hormone Disruptors

Now that we've talked about where we're picking up chemical pollutants, we can discuss what they do to our bodies! A hormone or endocrine disruptor is a chemical that interferes with the hormones, obviously. But what does that do? It can cause cancer and birth defects, overstimulate receptors by acting as hormones, block hormones from binding to receptors effectively, and change how natural hormones are processed. This can have severe effects on not only the endocrine system, but the nerboous, reproductive, and immune systems as well. Let's go over each of the hormone disruptors on EWG's Dirty Dozen list. 
  1. BPA: acts as a weak estrogen and blocks the effect of natural estrogens, may cause behavior problems and have adverse brain effects in children
  2. Dioxin: skin lesions, impaired liver function, cancers, diabetes, liver and heart disease, conjunctivitis, fatigue, delayed reactions
  3. Atrazine: low birth weight, premature delivery, birth defects, cancers
  4. Phthalates: eye and epithelial irritation, headaches, asthma, spasms, weakness, neuropathy, nausea
  5. Perchlorate: thyroid problems
  6. Fire Retardants: neurodevelopmental delays, cancer, thyroid problems, decreased fertility
  7. Lead: brain and nervous dysfunction in children, high blood pressure, kidney damage
  8. Mercury: neuropathy, loss of peripheral vision and spatial skills, lack of coordination, muscle weakness, problems with cognitive thinking, attention, and memory
  9. Arsenic: cancers, muscle cramps stomach pain, vomiting, blood in urine, skin lesions and thickening
  10. PFCs: cancers, birth defects, hypertension, decreased fertility
  11. Organophosphate Pesticides: inhibits nervous system
  12. Glycol Ethers: fatigue, nausea, tremors, anemia

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