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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cleanse the Colon

Before we go any further, when I say colon cleanse, I don't mean a coffee enema! See below: coffee is for drinking.

There has been a lot coming out about colon cleanses being dangerous, some of which I wholeheartedly agree with. The crazy colonic irrigation, laxatives, and enemas can indeed be harmful. When I talk about a colon cleanse, I am primarily talking about giving a heavily burdened body a break from its typical junky diet. Often, people who consume these kinds of diets don't have the best gastrointestinal health (and can be constipated a majority of them time). A colon cleanse is meant to jump start bowel movements, pump you full of nutrients, and keep you from consuming the usual nasties (I'm looking at you, sodas).

Unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot of studies featuring dietary colon cleanses not meant to prep for a colonosopy. There are also a lot of people who try dangerous quick fixes instead of the right way to do things. That combination brings on a lot of concerns with any type of cleanse.

Good rule of thumb: make good choices, avoid the junk, get lots of water, and eat your vegetables. If a type of juice "cleanse" helps you do that, by all means, try it out!

Be sure to read this post to look at the difference between a colon cleanse a liver cleanse. Make good choices, and when in doubt, talk to your trusted (and well-informed) nutrition coach.

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