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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Are You The 3%?

Are you getting enough fiber each day? More than 97% of Americans aren't! The Institute of Medicine's recommendation for those 50 and younger is 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day, and Americans are struggling just to get the Adequate Intake of 14 grams.

Fiber is an extremely important carbohydrate that we get from eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and grains. It keeps blood sugar, cholesterol, and digestive system regular by adding bulk to foods and binding to substances we don't want in our system. Fiber also prot
ects antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, allowing them to make it all the way to the colon without being digested. Adequate fiber intake has even been associated with weight loss and decreased risk of cancer!

How do you increase your fiber on a daily basis?

  • Eat more vegetables! (about two grams per half cup serving)
  • Add flaxseed to your smoothies, and get three grams per tablespoon!
  • Beans, beans, they're good for your heard, and give you about six grams of fiber per half cup serving
  • Choose whole grains for 2.4 grams of fiber per ounces versus .7 in refined grains
Be warned! If you are not getting a whole lot of fiber right now, don't go crazy with a psyllium supplements or ALL of the broccoli. If you drastically increase your fiber, you might experience abdominal cramping and bloating. It's very uncomfortable, so take it slow and steady.

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