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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Monstrous Free Radicals

When you cut open an apple, does it stay white and fresh forever, or does it turn brown and soft? The apple is experiencing oxidation. Oxidation is a processes that occurs in all cells, causing them to age. Oxidation creates free radicals, unstable molecules that steal electrons from healthy cells, damaging the DNA and giving way to disease. They can cause cancer, degenerative diseases, heart disease, and many other health problems. We generate free radicals just by breathing, exercising, and digesting, so how can we get away from these monstrosities?!

Avoid putting an excessive oxidative load on yourself! Environmental factors such as stress, cigarette smoke, UV rays, pesticides, excessive alcohol consumption and air pollution also built up your free radicals.

We have the ability to protect ourselves from basic oxidation levels by eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. These foods are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants supply the missing piece in a free radial's life, the electron, so the free radical can go on its merry way without damaging any more cells.

Do yourself a favor, and relax out in the middle of nowhere, eat some organic berries, drink some filtered water, and decrease your oxidative load once in a while.

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