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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Echinacea For Colds

Echinacea is a very pretty purplish pink plant that was used originally by the Native Americans. Typically the root was used for allergies, autoimmunity, infections, and decreased immunity. A immune powerhouse, the echinacea plant helps modulate the immune system, decrease inflammation, increase lymphatic flow, and kill off bacteria and viruses.

Although a cure for the common cold is an old joke, echinacea may actually help reduce severity and duration by between 10 and 30 percent! With cold season coming up, you may want to brew up some echinacea tea. As a preventative measure, echinacea can decrease the chances of catching a cold by more than half.

Worried about catching the flu? Echinacea can help with that, too! An extract made from the roots cut chances of asthmatics and those with chronic bronchitis coming down with the flu.

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