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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Don't Fear the Grocery Store

Grocery shopping is a scary, scary thing. You're spending a lot of time and money getting a bunch of stuff that you have to cook throughout the week. There are too many people there. There's too much stuff around you. There are nutrition facts everywhere. It's overwhelming!

Here are some tips in making your grocery trip more healthy, less frightening, and a much better experience overall:

  • Choose your days wisely. If you can get to the store on a mid-week morning, I highly suggest doing so! The stores are empty, there aren't any carts flying around you, and the lines are short. There's no rush to get what you need, so you're not leaving with more or less of what you intended to get. 
  • Make a list!  Your best bet is to make a list off your meal plan, but at least have a list. Not only have a list, but look at it while you're in the store. Don't just look at it; stick to it. You know what you're eating during the week, so there's no reason to impulse buy that bag of cookie-monster-pieces. Just go by the list, and get out the door.
  • Know what you have in the pantry. Don't question if you need another bottle of ground cinnamon, because you'll end up with three or five. 
  • Shop around the outside perimeter of the store. You'll have the produce, meats, cheeses, and eggs out there. No food labels involved. It's easy!
  • If you must venture into the middle of the store, know exactly what you're going for. If I'm running down the aisles for my almonds or chia seeds, I know I'm getting almonds and chia seeds. Need some bottled green tea for the week, I go straight to the green tea aisle. No stopping for pasta, no checking out the candy aisle. If it wasn't on my list, it probably wasn't on the meal plan. It wasn't that important. 
  • Math your way through the store. I keep my calculator up and round up on everything. That way, there are no surprises when i get to the register!

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